Accomplish organizational goals faster

OKR Board provides a structured way to plan, execute and track your business objectives


Benefits of using OKR Board


Overly simplified for small and medium scale businesses to sky rocket their company growth.


Keep track of the progress of company wide objectives and key results as well as of the team and individuals.

On Point

You will only see what is important to you so that you can say NO to everything else. Focus on stuff that truly matters.

What is OKR?

OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. An Objective is what you want to accomplish, and a Key Result is how you plan to accomplish it.An objective requires a great deal of thinking, it should be a milestone that tests your limits and is ambitious for your company.Key results are a set of quantitative and achievable metrics that define the success of an objective.

How is OKR a roadmap to your success?

Structuring a roadmap to success is crucial for your business.


OKR ensures that managers and employees are updated about the company’s progress, this ensures productive cross-function interdependencies.

Stretch Goals

The strategic implementation of the stretch goals in OKRs allows the employees to push their limits.


Employee engagement can produce remarkable outcome if they are engaged with a purpose. OKR enhances the engagement to execute the strategies.
